Prevention and Self Treatment of Diseases such as Colds, Inf

Prevention and Self Treatment of Diseases such as Colds, Inf

Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Thứ 6 Tháng 1 01, 2021 3:19 pm

Prevention and Self Treatment of Diseases such as Colds, Influenza, Covid (Part 85)

I. Important notes
1. First, measure blood pressure in both arms, forehead temperature, blood glucose, and salivary pH, before proceeding with the hot steam perspiration session.

2. In case of high blood pressure: leave the head uncovered, cover the whole body only from the neck, the blood pressure will drop.

3. In case of low blood pressure, cover the whole body from head to toe, the pressure will rise.

4. Hot steam perspiration is suitable for both high and low blood pressure. Since perspiration will lower blood glucose levels, you should drink glucose to achieve a blood glucose level of 180-200 mg/dL before starting the session.
If before treatment session, your blood glucose is between 180-200 mg/dL, you would not need to drink extra glucose.

5. 15 to 20 minutes after the session, re-measure the tension in both arms, forehead temperature, blood glucose, and salivary pH to evaluate the effects of the session, comparing with the following data:
a- Forehead temperature should drop from 40oC to 36.5oC - 37oC.
b- High or low blood pressure should reach the aged-referenced values.
c- Blood glucose drop to 140mg/dL is correct, if below 120mg/dL, take 3 teaspoons of glucose to maintain body heat.

6. Anyone with high glycemia, around 200 mg/dL, has enough glucose to form the glycoproteins needed to produce antibodies (Immunoglobulins G and M), IgG and IgM to counter viruses. The vaccine according to Western medicine raises the antibodies, but without glucose, there would be no antibody production. The body is like a lighter, if we add fire stones to increase the spark, without putting gas in it, there would be no flame. Without glucose, there would be no production of antibodies.

7. People with high glycemia, and hospitalized due to covid, received insulin to lower blood glucose levels. Lower glycemia will lower glycoproteins, resulting in lower IgG and IgM antibodies and a lack of glucose in the brain, leading to brain death. This is why people using insulin to treat diabetes, and suffered from covid, died first in hospital. The underlying reason is the lack of blood glucose leading to brain death. The good values obtained: Oxygen saturation SpO2 98, the person can breathe on his own at 70% -80%...only exist thanks to the use of the ventilator, the person always remains comatose due to lack of sugar in the brain, until death.

II. Standard procedures for Perspiration to treat colds, flu, covid

Before the session
Drink a glass of water with 5 teaspoons of glucose and the juice of 1/2 lime or lemon.
Add 5 drops of Eucalyptus oil to the boiling water container.
Cover the whole body from head to toe, for people with low blood pressure , and low body temperature.
Cover the body from the neck, leaving the head uncovered, for people with high blood pressure and high body temperature.

The duration of the session is 10 minutes.

End of the session
Dry your whole body and put on a good layer of clothing.
Re-measure blood pressure, glycemia, temperature, salivary pH, result: decrease in body temperature and blood sugar.
If blood sugar is low, drink 5 teaspoons of glucose with 3 slices of ginger, for people with low blood pressure, the blood pressure will rise to the age-referenced blood pressure value.
If blood sugar is low, but blood pressure remains high, drink a glass of water with glucose and lime or lemon juice to raise the pH and blood sugar to 8 mmol/L while lowering blood pressure.

In case of covid infection
Perform 2 sweating sessions per day.
Before each session, drink a glass of water with glucose and lime or lemon juice.
During the day, drink a glass of water with glucose and lime juice every 3 hours.
After 3 to 5 days, remission is expected.

III. Explanation
As perspiration causes water loss, so drink plenty of water to compensate and also to dissipate body temperature. This treatment is better than taking antibiotics.
Lime or lemon juice lowers blood pressure and raises the pH to alkaline pH
Drinking glucose to increase glycoproteins, which are essential for the production of IgG and IgM, antibodies to kill viruses.
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