Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Chủ nhật Tháng 8 09, 2020 5:08 pm

I. History of diabetes
On the Vietnam Airlines flight from San Francisco, USA to Vietnam, a 70-year-old person died during mid-flight, following a heart attack. Attempts to resuscitate him on the plane were unsuccessful. Since, we received many emails from Vietnamese people in Texas asking us how to treat dizziness, indigestion, fatigue without apparent cause...with the results of blood tests. We have noticed that the reference value determining the diagnosis of diabetes has been made lower than in the past. The majority of people do not pay attention to the references used to interpret test results, but have complete confidence in doctors. Physicians also do not pay attention or ask why the reference value is lower. They only look at the test results to decide whether or not to prescribe anti-diabetic drugs, which in the long term could lead to many more cases of heart attacks.

The referenced values according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1979 were:
Before meals: 100 - 140 mg/dL
After meals: 140 - 200 mg/dL
At that time, the person must fast for 8 hours before the blood test, so there were very few cases of diabetes. Cases of diabetes increase with the lowering of the reference value.

Example 1: 1,000 people with blood glucose levels below 140mg/dL.
According to the reference value of 100 - 140 mg/dL, nobody is declared diabetic.

Example 2: 1,000 people with blood glucose levels below 140 mg/dL.
According to the reference value of 100 - 126 mg/dL, 100 people would be diabetic.

Example 3: 900 remaining people need to pay attention to diet to maintain a blood glucose level below 126 mg/dL.
With the reference lowered to 106 mg/dL, 300 more people would have diabetes.

Example 4: The remaining 600 people will be on a diet to keep their blood glucose below 126 mg/dL. With the reference value of 70 - 100 mg/dL (noted in recent test reports from Texas, USA), 500 more people would be diabetic.

Any blood glucose level of 99 mg/dL is said to be pre-diabetic.

The number of diabetics increases as the reference value decreases. The media spreads the phobia of diabetes in a scientific way, by presenting statistics of the number of deaths due to diabetes which increases year by year, saying in addition, one can even predict more deaths in the future (already mentioned in diabetes part 60). We can see that the treatment of diabetes goes from failure to failure with the years, but the profits from the sale of the drugs increase over years.

The population has become the goose that lays the golden eggs for the anti-diabetic industries.

More information can be found in Google “US diabetes forecast 2015-2030”.

II. Is low blood sugar the cause of heart attacks?
To be aware of our own health status, to understand whether the diet is appropriate or not, a drug is beneficial or harmful, to know if one has obtained the expected result from a drug.... it would be necessary to get 3 measuring devices: the blood pressure monitor, the glucometer, and the non-contact thermometer.

Having these devices are worth as to have 3 best doctors in the world who are always dedicated and objective, in both Western and Eastern medicine.

QiQongTherapy/Complementary Medicine helps to know the harmful or beneficial effect of food, treatments according to Western or Eastern medicine so as not to die needlessly by ignoring the cause.

Concerning the treatment of blood pressure and diabetes, if the devices give favourable results, continue the treatment, on the other hand, if the results are unfavourable, stop the treatment.

Example 1. Interpretation of blood pressure monitor values: systolic, diastolic, pulsation
Case of a non-diabetic person, but with a blood pressure higher than 140/90/90

The systolic pressure gives information about the Energy, the force of propulsion of the blood. If it is higher than 160 - 180 mmHg, there is a risk of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage by rupture of the vessels. If it is 190 - 240 mmHg, imminent death would be possible.

The diastolic pressure on the left side gives information about the amount of food.
A diastolic pressure above 100 mmHg indicates too much food, chest tightness, difficulty breathing.
A diastolic of more than 120 mmHg indicates a high level of fat in the blood, a high blood flow to the heart predisposing to heart attacks.
A diastolic of less than 60 mmHg indicates a lack of blood to the heart; a value below 55 mmHg would mean imminent cardiac arrest.

Systolic and diastolic are always high, meaning hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.

During the treatment of high blood pressure, if the measured values fall towards the age-referenced values, e.g. ,120-130 mmHg/ 70-80 mmHg /70-80 beats per minute, the treatment should be stopped.

If the treatment is continued, the blood pressure will drop below 100/60/60, there will be gradual weakness, decrease of the immune system, muscle wasting... At the periodic medical check-ups, the doctors suggest to continue the treatment because the values are good according to the standards of Western medicine. The more we continue the treatment, the more our health deteriorates, the more we have erratic pain, indigestion, asthma, insomnia, nocturnal urination, is a great nonsense to continue on a path that brings us nothing but inconvenience.

Example 2. Interpretation of glucometer values
The glucometer can be purchased without prescription (e.g. at Walmart stores, or online). The glucometer provides information on the blood sugar level (glycemia) before and after meals.

Blood sugar levels do not necessarily have to be high after a meal. Normally your blood glucose after a meal would be 180 mg/dL, but you do not have diabetes. But according to the new Texas USA reference of 70 - 100 mg/dL, one would be diabetic and should have insulin injections.

2. Blood sugar would never stay high in the morning. With activity, blood glucose levels would drop throughout the day at a rate of 10-15 mg/dL per hour. After a meal, blood glucose would drop from 180 mg/dL to 130 mg/dL 4 hours later.

Example 3. Usefulness of the glucometer in case of discomfort
Pre-meal blood glucose is 130 mg/dL, but after meal, you may experience discomfort such as trembling hands, anxiety, difficulty breathing...Measure blood glucose immediately, at this point the glucometer reads 100 mg/dL. This suggests that the meal may contains food that lowers sugar such as bitter cucumbers, acidic flavours...Take 4 teaspoons of glucose immediately, the discomfort will disappear. Via the bloodstream, glucose dissolved in water, penetrates and immediately nourishes the brain. The sugars in cooked or prepared food pass first through the stomach, while the urgent lack of glucose to the brain could lead us into the beyond.

Example 4. Usefulness of a blood pressure monitor, blood glucose monitor and non-contact thermometer
Western medicine links high blood sugar to obesity, high cholesterol, high diastolic pressure leading to heart attacks...this case only applies to sedentary people, to people who do not do any activity after meals, and who consume a lot of glucose. Sugars of various origins do not cause obesity, but sometimes make people lose weight.

In the above mentioned case, the blood pressure monitor will give a high diastolic pressure, a pulse below 80 bpm, the thermometer will show a temperature below 35oC. This proves that the person is not doing any activity, the excess sugar is converted into glycogen, fat in the liver. If the person has been exercising or doing activities, the temperature would be 37oC, the pulse would be 90 bpm, there would be no formation of fat reserves, the sugar has been used to provide energy for the activities, the blood sugar would be low and there would be no obesity.
Example 5. Low glycemia is fatal
In order not to be diabetic, according to the new reference of 100 mg/dL, many people have followed all the recommendations, become thin, yet the analysis shows a high blood cholesterol level, and do not escape heart attacks. This is the case of the person who died on the Air Viet Nam flight from the USA to Viet Nam. At that time, the blood pressure monitor would have shown a low systolic pressure, thus unable to ensure good blood circulation, a low diastolic pressure indicating lack of blood to the heart, a pulse < 60 bpm, the glucometer would have given a blood sugar < 100 mg/dL, the thermometer would have indicated a cold state <33oC. Cold promotes the formation of blood clots in the brain vessels leading to glare, coma. The clots in the coronary vessels would lead to cardiac arrest. The disorders are aggravated by the low temperature in the plane at high altitude.

In these cases, 10 teaspoons of glucose should be given to drink slowly in lukewarm water, the person should recover. Artificial respiration does not raise glycemia to bring the person out of a hypoglycemic coma.

With this new drop in reference value, many people will die on airplanes, or at home, especially in winter. Another case of death in the plane has been observed, even if the diabetic person had an insulin injection before the flight. Hypoglycemia is fatal, not hyperglycemia.

Example 6. Detecting a situation using the 3 devices
Pre-meal glycemia: 90 mg/dL, post-meal: 200 mg/dL (regardless of food or diet). This glycemia indicates diabetes, but really one is not diabetic, because the pulse rate remains below 60 bpm (a sign of cold), the temperature remains below 33oC.

The blood pressure monitor gives the following values: 90 mmHg/ 60 mmHg /60 bpm.
The blood circulation is slow, the blood volume is insufficient, there is no increase in body temperature, no digestion of food, but there is pain and swelling in the abdomen, erratic pain due to obstruction of blood circulation, dizziness. The sugars from the meal only raise the blood sugar level, but do not raise body heat, so do not cause diabetes. Insulin injections do not lower glycemia. On the other hand, drinking 10 teaspoons of glucose, will dissipate discomfort, lower glycemia, increase body pulse and body heat. Then drink 10 teaspoons of glucose in addition, to raise blood pressure.

Example 7. Dangers of the new reference value
The lower reference value of 70-100 mg/dL is recently adopted in Texas, USA. This might easily increase heart attacks and deaths. In winter, cold weather predisposes to slow down and obstruct blood circulation, rapidly lowering blood glucose levels at the slightest effort. In summer, sweating causes blood and sugar loss, heart attacks will be likened to heat stroke.

Example 8. Diastolic blood pressure gives information on blood volume
Low diastolic pressure of 60-65 mmHg indicates lack of blood. People with this blood pressure do not perspire when exercising. The loss of water and sugar through perspiration during exercise will lower the diastolic from 90 mmHg to 80 mmHg. As the blood contains water, fat, sugar. By continuing the exercises, the sweat contains fat, and the diastolic will drop to 70 mmHg. Even if we continue the exercises, there would be no more perspiration, the diastolic of 70 mmHg represents only the volume of blood, without water or fat. Perspiration while exercising with the 60 mmHg diastolic causes loss of sugar and blood, leading to heart attacks due to lack of blood in the heart.

Do not be fooled by the ever-declining reference values. As long as you do not have the 3 Excesses (thirst, weight loss, urination), you are not diabetic, irrespective of blood sugar level. The body will automatically regulate the Yin and Yang, blood and energy according to the needs of each person.

In Viet Nam after 1975, people sent to re-education camps never asked to have anti-diabetic drugs, but to receive sugar.
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