Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Chủ nhật Tháng 7 05, 2020 7:03 pm

Errors and contradictions in the treatment of diabetes
1. Diabetes misidentification
If one of the 2 values, either the blood glucose or the HbA1C, is higher than the adopted reference, the person is diagnosed as diabetic.

A person whose HbA1C value is less than 6.5% is not diabetic. But the same person's blood glucose level of 180 mg/dL, after a meal, makes him/her diabetic, and this person must follow a medication, which would disrupt digestion, glycemia, blood pressure, nervous system, which could lead to heart failure or heart attack.

According to QiQongTherapy/Complementary Medicine:
HbA1C, glycated hemoglobin, gives the % of glucose fixed on the hemoglobin of red blood cells. If the person does not consume glucose, the HbA1C value would remain low<6.5%, the person is not diabetic. If the blood glucose level is 180 mg/dL, just slowly perform the "Roll on" exercise to bring blood and sugar to the head to nourish the central and peripheral nervous system. The blood glucose level will drop to 100 mg/dL, so there would not be enough glucose accumulation, over 3 months, to be fixed to the hemoglobin.

Sugars from food (fruit-starch-rice…) such as lactose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, sucrose theoretically must be transformed into glucose, so that insulin can bring it into the cells to feed them. But because of a lack of glucose, digestion cannot transform these sugars into glucose. They therefore remain in the blood, raising blood sugar levels.

In fact, after 3 hours, all the sugars will be converted into glycogen (max 100 g) stored in the liver, to be reconverted into glucose if necessary, whose signs are: weakness of the limbs, dizziness, blurred vision, tiredness in the heart...

The heart, the central and peripheral nervous system have a daily need of 180 g of glucose and not other sugars. Avoiding glucose is a mistake, because the heart and nervous system will not be able to function properly if there is a lack of glucose.

2. Threat of blindness and amputation of legs
Diabetes can be avoided by eating a normal, varied diet and paying attention to sugar. In fact, you stay healthy even with a glycemia of 180 mg/dL. The diagnosis of diabetes, plus warnings of blindness and leg amputation, makes the person not only takes medication, but also reduces food rations. The more insulin injections, the higher the blood sugar level. A long period of treatment could lead to heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, cell death requiring amputation, etc.

3. Are blindness and amputation really due to hyperglycemia?
With the help of the glucometer, any person could adjust his/her blood glucose level by alimentation, according to the referenced values, before meals: 100-140 mg/dL; after meals: 140-180 mg/dL. By measuring blood glucose levels before and after meals, everyone could see that blood glucose levels rose well to 180 mg/dL, 200 mg/dL, or sometimes to 300 mg/dL...depending on the nature and quantity of the meal, without getting sick or suffering from diabetes. By consuming glucose in moderation, the HbA1C test would not show the percentage level that determines diabetes. A good and varied diet keeps us healthy. High glycemia has never led to blindness nor amputation.

Lack of glucose leads to malnutrition, cell death...which might result to blindness or amputation. The misinterpretation of the glucometer values and the principle of diabetes treatment cause the person to avoid glucose, avoid food as well...leading to poor nutrition, disease and cancer. There is a lot of advertising extolling the virtues of such and such a product or cure diabetes. Asking for a product that cures diabetes is like asking if there is a product that makes people live without ever eating their meals. Diet and glucose are essential for good health. Glucose nourishes the heart, the central and peripheral nervous system, and keeps organs and viscera functioning. Glucose allows digestion to transform food into energy and nourishing blood.

4. Replacement of glucose by fruit sugars could lead to ketosis
A ketogenic diet or fasting for 72 hours and consuming only fruit juices...lowers blood sugar well, but also fatally lowers the salivary pH from pH 7 to pH 4; the blood becomes acidic, breathing gives off a smell of acetone. The liver, contaminated by acetone, becomes cancerous. The lack of glucose disrupts the heart, the nervous system, the regeneration of the function of elimination, the food transformations...leading to weakening, chronic diseases, and cancers. Sugars, which are not glucose, will be transformed into starch, which blocks the renal filtration leading to kidney failure.

Honey is also not good to replace glucose, because it is acidic and will contaminate the liver (research has shown the acidity of honey, pH 3.3 to pH 6.5 depending on the honey). Moreover, honey is like cement, will line the inner lining of the stomach, thus decreasing the elasticity of the stomach. Honey is good with saffron, to repair and seal stomach ulcers. The use must be stopped as soon as the ulcer heals, otherwise the honey and saffron will continue to line and harden the stomach lining, leading to stomach cancer. Vomiting occurs at each entry of food. In Viet Nam, there are many people who have died of stomach cancer, by abusing honey and saffron to treat stomach ulcers.

5. Lowering glycemia during pregnancy could lead to malformation of the newborn baby
During pregnancy, the mother eats more to feed the baby well, it is normal that her blood glucose is higher than before pregnancy, while remaining within the pre-pregnancy reference range: before meals:100-140 mg/dL; after meals 140-180 mg/dL, both mother and baby are always well. By convention of medical practice, the goal is to keep blood sugar levels low. Medication thus deprives the mother of glucose. Without glucose, food is not converted into energy and blood to nourish the mother and baby, which would lead to malnutrition and malformation of the newborn. Situations include: stunted growth, preterm birth, easy seizures, idleness, excessive drooling, inability to speak or swallow, osteoporosis, inability to stand due to weakness of the spine and cervical spine, weak bones, "glass bones".

We don't know if diabetes can be avoided by avoiding glucose, but we wouldn't avoid birth defects in newborns.

The above-mentioned errors are due to the convention of medical practice and the lowering of the reference values determining diabetes.

Therefore, glucose should be drunk after a meal to raise blood glucose to 10 mmol/L or 180 mg/dL and then slowly perform the "Roll on" exercise to distribute blood and glucose evenly to nourish the brain, nervous system and whole body.

The following clip illustrates the "Roll On" exercise
Site Admin
Bài viết: 6826
Ngày tham gia: Chủ nhật Tháng 4 17, 2011 12:18 am


Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Thứ 2 Tháng 7 06, 2020 5:04 pm

Diabetes 62. Consuming sugar and 15-minute exercise to cure diseases and lower blood sugar level



The human body is like a factory that produces, it has machines, that are our internal organs.
Every day this factory needs 2 ingredients. Without either of them then the factory can’t produce. Those ingredients are:
a-Gasoline or electricity for manufacturing machines.
b-Raw materials for the machines to produce.
So does the human body, needing two main ingredients to enter the body each day through food and drink:
a-The first ingredient that supplies the nervous system, is yellow sugar glucose, taken with water directly into the bloodstream to nourish the functional nervous system.
b-The second raw material is food entering the stomach to produce the finished product, which is blood, fat, meat, skin, nerve fibers, mucus, buffers, discs, cartilage, nails, bone marrow etc.
After input sugar and food, they are processed by the body. Both raw materials and raw food are digested. The sugar is processed into energy used to digest the food.
If there is a shortage of sugar, the machines will not work, the food will be stuck in the stomach causing illness, and if the sugar is consumed by the machines operating without food, there will be no finished products. Machine will corrupt, which means neurological dysfunction.

II-Causes of diseases caused by western medicine’s policy of abstaining from sugar, causing neurological dysfunction.

1-In theory:

Western medicine is a healing tool, not a business, but accidentally banning sugar so the body's lack of sugar causes many complications, creating a medicine business.
It is like a factory importing raw materials that requires machines to manufacture products, but prohibiting the import of a lot of petrol or electricity to run the engine, eventually the machine is broken. But they decide to look for a mechanic to repair the machine due to lack of petrol and electricity.
So Western medicine doctors are like mechanic repairing electric machines in the body, it's the nervous system in the body that needs fuel, which is glucose from yellow sugar, but because the Western medicine itself created the theory of diabetes, abstaining from sugar to create diabetes, caused many people to die of diabetes as the World Health statistics report that every year the number of people dying of diabetes is increasing.

In the body, there are two nervous systems that need sugar to work together. The first is the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. The second nervous system, called the peripheral nervous system, consists of all the nerves in the body located outside the spinal cord and brain. These two systems communicate with each other to ensure that the machines in our bodies, which are the internal organs, convert food like raw materials into products like blood, fat, sugar, and minerals to feed cells include all nerves going from the skin, muscles and internal organs to the spinal cord and finally to the brain.

The peripheral nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Some of these nerve pairs are sensory cells, such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, motor, reflex.
Sensory cells carry signals to the central nervous system. Motor cells carry signals from the central nervous system to internal organs, muscles and peripheral glands or outer edges of the body. Both types of cells move together to the spinal cord, but then they split into two areas. One area is called the posterior sensory root, and the other is called the prior sensory root.
Function of the peripheral nervous system:
The main role of the peripheral nervous system is to connect the central nervous system with organs, limbs and skin to allow complex movements and behaviors. First let's talk about sensory somatic systems. Sensory cells carry messages to the central nervous system. Example: hot or cold (called irritation) felt on the finger skin. Sensory receptors in the skin carry hot or cold stimuli to the central nervous system. After being processed by the central nervous system, somatic motor cells send signals to the skeleton and skin-sensing organs. These somatic cells are sometimes called voluntary because they have control over most auto-reactions. Similar to somatic motor cells, motor cells automatically control muscles, but these muscles are involuntary. Some examples are smooth muscles in the liver or salivary glands in the mouth. Therefore, somatic motor cells take signals from the central nervous system to involuntary muscles and glands. These muscles and glands are also called agents because this is where the responses from the central nervous system are turned into effective actions.
In short, to make it easy to understand, the power or petrol of the factory, in addition to produce raw materials into products, electricity is also used for household activities, cooking, fans, heating, lights, air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers etc. consume more electricity than manufacturing machines. Same thing in the body, scientific research has found the need to consume glucose. The brain is the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, is the functional nervous system of the continental government, every day needs 180g glucose, only absorb glucose, not other sugars. For the heart to function is 36g, and the remaining 144g glucose is used for the organ function in the body, including the task of the stomach, such as converting food into nutrition tonic.
About the heart, the American Heart Association has also confirmed that the heart needs every day, for women, 6 teaspoons of gold sugar; men, 9 teaspoons - equivalent to 36g of glucose yellow sugar for heart healthy activities every day.

In particular, for example, for every 1 liter of gasoline or 1 kilowatt of electricity to make 1 kg of rice is 1 kg of flour. If we want to grind 5kg of rice, we need 5 liters of gasoline or 5kilowatt of electricity, if the machine runs without gasoline or electricity, the machine will stop working. So does our stomach, when food comes in, the stomach also needs sugar for the nerves to control the function of the stomach, crushing the food into a tonic that pushes down the small intestine and is converted into blood, fat by other organs, raw sugar and minerals.
So the medical industry has found the amount of sugar needed for the stomach to work, when hungry before eating, blood sugar must be in the hunger standard of 100-140mg / dl. After eating full, the blood sugar must be in the standard of 140-180mg / dl. When the stomach contracts, the sugar in food will be pressed into raw sugar such as lactose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, saccharose ... will be converted into glucose, also known as negative sugar, because there is no increase in temperature and heart rate, and causes us to have diabetes from this food. Because glucose of yellow sugar drunk with water will go straight to the brain, to feed the central nervous system central and functional nerves, and is consumed every day. But otherwise if it does not reach the brain to feed nerves, then the excess sugars is converted to the liver into glycogen, the liver contains only a maximum of 100g glycogen, the excess is transferred to skeletal muscle, the excess is converted to fat.

2-Transporting glucose in the body:

Carbs are fuel from food.
According to Western medical theory, glucose is the main fuel for most cells and energy for the brain and nervous system, red blood cells and placenta and fetus. When glucose enters the cell, a series of metabolic reactions will convert it into carbon dioxide, water and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) health energy. If the body has more glucose than its energy needs, it is stored as glycogen (glycogenesis) in the liver and skeletal muscle.
When blood sugar drops, like when you sleep or fast, the liver breaks down glycogen (glycogenolysis) and releases glucose into the bloodstream. The body can only store a limited amount of glucose, so when glycogen stores are full, glucose is stored as fat and can be used as energy when needed. In contrast, if the body does not meet the demand for sugar, the body lacks sugar, the glycogen stores in the liver and skeletal muscle will be converted into glucose for the brain, nerves and heart to function, so low blood sugar will cause osteoporosis. Not enough sugar to feed the brain will cause dementia, muscle spasms and muscle cramps causing pain or children with epilepsy seizure.

Carbs protein prophylaxis.
If we fast for a long time or simply consume too little carbohydrates, then the glycogen stores are quickly depleted. The body will take protein from food if it is available, or from skeletal muscle and organs to convert its amino acid into glucose (gluconeogenesis) to get energy to maintain normal blood glucose levels. If this happens the body loses its muscle atrophy. If the body has both a sugar loss and a protein deficiency, it can’t produce glycoprotein antibodies to produce anti-IgG and IgM cells,which will weaken the immune system, losing weight due to lack of protein sugar. The body is no longer able to maintain normal blood glucose levels to feed cells of the body and brain, cells will become cancer.

Carbs prevent ketosis.
Even when fat is used as fuel, cells need some carbohydrates or carbs to function properly. On the other hand, the liver makes ketone bodies, which can eventually accumulate to unsafe levels in the blood causing a condition called ketosis-when there’s the smell of acetone or nail polish remover on a person's breath. Low-carb diets, which use vegetable sugar to produce blood contaminated with acetone, can cause the blood to become too acidic, causing cancer cells and the body to lose water.

Carbohydrates in the diet
Carbohydrate, protein and fat are macronutrients, which means the body requires relatively large amounts of demand for the proper function of the body. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA = Recommended Dietary Allowance) for carbohydrates for children and adults is 130 grams and based on the average minimum glucose used by the brain, other studies are 144g for brain and nerve.
The range of acceptable macronutrient distribution (AMDR) for carbohydrates is 45-65%. For example, if we eat 1600 kcals per day, the acceptable carbohydrate intake ranges from 180 grams to 260 grams.
Many people consider complex carbs as good by dieting and using sugar from citrus fruits, while perceiving sugar is bad, but the carbohydrate story is much more complicated than that. Both types also produce glucose through digestion or metabolism; both help maintain blood sugar, both provide the same amount of calories; and both protect the body from protein breakdown and ketosis, but low-carb diets replaced with sugar-substituted vegetables lead to acidosis in the liver and acetone-contaminated blood.

In a report by a team of researchers: “The city's nutritionists are trying to kill us, because they reason and argue that carbohydrates have made us overweight.”
However, research supports that diets with a wide range of macronutrient ratios facilitate a healthy weight, allowing weight loss and preventing weight loss. The key factor is to reduce the calorie content in a long-term diet. But in fact, two different types of glucose, the positive glucose that is taken with water, absorbs into the bloodstream and carries it to the brain and nerves, just like the nerves that are electrically powered to run the digestive system turn carbs in flour, sugar, and fiber into nutrition but not turn into fat. Then it does not become obese, and if there is no positive glucose poured into the nervous system, the carbs that are sugar, starch, and dietary fiber will turn into fat - diabetes.

Demand for fiber
If we stay away from all carbohydrates or if we severely limit them, we will not be able to meet the demand for fiber or get more chemicals, which are natural compounds, to protect from infection and help us from chronic illness. The color, aroma and flavor of fiber indicate that it contains phytochemicals to stimulate the immune system, slow the growth of cancer cells and prevent DNA damage.
All foods rich in natural fiber are also rich in carbohydrates. The recommended amount of fiber is 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams per day for women. People with high levels of fiber are at a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Fiber-rich foods have a protective effect against colorectal cancer, and increasing the amount of fiber helps improve stomach reflux and hemorrhoids. Reduce blood cholesterol and glucose levels. In addition, fiber is food for normal (healthy) bacteria that inhabit the intestines and provides nutrients and other health benefits. To increase your fiber intake, eat fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes regularly.

3-Protein transport in the body.

Similar to carbohydrates and lipids, protein is one of the macronutrients. In fact, the body contains thousands of different proteins, each with a unique function. The building blocks of them are nitro-containing molecules called amino acids. If the body's cells have all 20 amino acids available in large quantities, it can produce countless proteins.

Some proteins are enzymes.
Enzymes catalyse chemical reactions such as digesting carbohydrates or synthesizing cholesterol of the liver. They increase the rate of chemical reactions, without them because of genetic defects, the body will have many diseases.

Some proteins are hormones.
Hormones are chemicals created in one part of the body and carry messages to another organ or part of the body. For example, both glucagon and insulin are hormones made in the pancreas and travel throughout the body to regulate blood sugar.

Several proteins provide structure.
Collagen protein provides structure for bones, teeth and skin. Hair and nails depend on keratin.
Some proteins are antibodies. Without adequate protein, the immune system cannot protect against bacteria, viruses and other invaders. Antibodies are blood glycoproteins that attack and neutralize these invaders.

Protein maintains fluid balance.
Fluid is present in many compartments of the body. It is located in cells (intracellular fluid), in blood (intravascular fluid) and between cells (interstitial fluid). Liquid also flows between these spaces. It has proteins and minerals that keep them balanced. Proteins are too large to freely pass through the membranes separating the cells, but because proteins attract water, they work to maintain proper fluid balance. If the body's protein level is too low to maintain normal blood protein levels, fluid will leak into surrounding tissues and cause swelling or edema.

Protein transports nutrients and other compounds.
Some proteins, located inside the cell membrane, pump compounds in and out of the cell. Others attach themselves to nutrients or other molecules to transport them to distant parts of the body. Hemoglobin, carrying oxygen, is one of such protein.

Protein maintains an acid-base balance.
Blood that is too acid or too alkaline will kill the cell. Fortunately, the body adjusts to the acid-base balance very justly. A mechanism that uses protein as a buffer. The negative charged protein collects positive charged hydrogen ions when conditions are too acidic. Hydrogen ions can then be released when the blood is too alkaline. To illustrate the catastrophic consequences of acid-base imbalances, think about what happens to proteins in an acidic or alkaline environment. Proteins are modified to change shape and render them useless. For example, hemoglobin will not be able to carry oxygen throughout the body.

Protein is a backup source of energy.
With so much work, we can see why protein is not used as the main source of energy. But instead of allowing the brain to function without glucose during fasting or low carbohydrate intake, the body sacrifices protein from muscle and other tissues or takes it from the diet (if any) to make it. New glucose from an amino acid in a process called gluconeogenesis.

III-Practical experience of Medical Complementary Medicine:

1-Our body needs 2 types of glucose:

Lack of positive sugars that feed the heart, brain and nervous system:
Glucose taken directly from yellow sugar does not stay in the stomach but goes directly into the bloodstream and peripheral nerves to create energy, like electricity, to restore health, we temporarily call it positive sugar, because when the brain lacks glucose, it gets dizzy, sweaty, 5 disordered senses, such as dizziness, blurred vision, cold hands, limbs, convulsions, epilepsy ... When drinking 4 teaspoons of yellow sugar, we can feel good right away, stop dizziness.
When a long-term lack of positive neurotransmitter causes chronic illness, the signs of frequent dizziness, and indigestion, heart fatigue, blood pressure disorders, verification of the sphygmomanometer have a low heart rate of approximately 60-65, for diabetics without diabetes, blood sugar is usually low from 3.9 to 5.9 mmol / l, the thermometer on the finger tip is low, in the palm of the hand is about 32-35 degrees Celsius

Excess sugar, Western medicine called diabetes.
The sugar that enters the stomach includes sugar from rice, noodles, bread, vegetables, fruits, this sugar is in the stomach that has not been metabolized by the stomach, and when it is transformed into glucose, then this glucose does not cure diseases of the heart, brain and nerves. So when we feel dizzy or tired, but eating fruit, then measuring blood sugar shows it increases but still vertigo. This sugar does not increase the low heart rate to high, verified by a thermometer measuring on the finger is still low, still cold, and the food in the stomach is still undigested, and the food settles to the bottom of the stomach is sugar, so blood sugar is very high, Western medicine calls it diabetes, and we have to take oral hypoglycemic drugs or inject insulin wasting. Meanwhile, the brain, heart and nerves are still lacking positive sugars to help the digestive system to metabolize food.

As a result of the body's lack of positive glucose feeding nerves, the function of the brain, the heart, the contraction function of the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, lungs, intestines, diseases of internal organs, food failure The digestive tract is expelled when new food comes in, so the food is not converted into blood and energy but rather into fat causing obesity without strength. Cells without sugar and blood to feed will become sick cells and blood becomes acid leading to cancer.
Western medicine suggests that coronary atherosclerosis causes a stroke due to high blood sugar. Treatment of antihypertensive drugs and antidiabetic drugs cause low heart rate, shivering, thick blood, indigestible food, anorexia, bloating, shortness of breath, low heart rate, cold hands, aches and pains due to the absence of positive glucose to feed nerves creating energy and heat. The body becomes cold with blood clots, and the fat in the clot is still clogged, causing a stroke due to a blocked blood vessel to the heart, myocardial ischemia or coronary artery insufficiency. Sugar-free diet is still dangerous, which causes more diseases, whereas giving up diabetes medication, the diseases do not increase but decrease, health improves better.

2-Treatment of diabetes is not to abstain from sugar but to drink yellow sugar.

In a report by a team of researchers: “The city's nutritionists are trying to kill us, because they reason and argue that carbohydrates have made us overweight.”
Western medicine threatens diabetes, also causes mental illness, makes people fear of sugar, and makes the body without antibodies, creating a weak generation, depending on drugs for life to death.
Wanting to get rid of diabetes caused by negative sugars creates obesity, indigestion for people taking diabetes medicine, or as thin as fear of diabetes causes weight loss leading to cancer.
We need to try drinking yellow sugar to activate the nervous function again, and will realize that it is a surprise that drinking a lot of sugar and measuring blood sugar does not increase, but the healthier you’ll get as you drink. The sugar does not increase.
Drink 4 teaspoons of positive sugar, the yellow sugar, after eating, to have the stomach to turn food into blood, and drink 4 teaspoon yellow sugar before exercising Rolling Slowly to metabolize sugars to the brain to restore long-term neurological function due to lack of positive sugars, after the brain nerves absorb all the sugars, measure sugar blood does not increase but decreases, until the heart rate is increased to 70-80 and a thermometer on the tip of a finger above 36 ° C is enough, then drink sugar according to normal standards, according to your recommendations. According to the American Heart Association's report, women need 6 teaspoons, men need 9 teaspoons in 3 divided doses, after breakfast, drink 2-3 and have enough health and alertness to work until Noon, after lunch, drink 2-3 tablespoons of healthy energy until the afternoon, after dinner, drink 2-3 tablespoons.
Before going to bed, you need to measure your glucose at up to 140-150mg / dl, so that at night when you sleep, enough sugar for digestive function to convert excess energy into blood, then in the morning, measure your blood sugar as low as 100-110mg / The new DL is safe. People who eat a lot are not only obese but also anemia due to sleepless nights due to lack of sugar, because if before going to sleep, the glucose level is lower than 120mg / dl, the morning of sleep does not get up because tired is due to falling sugar low to 70-80mg / dl.
In contrast, there is an excess of negative sugar, the night before going to bed, the sugar in the food is still in the stomach without indigestion, so the blood sugar is low at 100 mg / dl, the morning wakes up sugar rising above 180 mg / dl, the reason is due to drinking Sugar-lowering drugs abstain from sugar, Western medicine is called a blood sugar disorder, but still does not encourage patients to drink positive sugar, because if they drink sugar without getting sick, the pharmacy business is not happy.

Qigong exercises to lower blood sugar, recover from diseases
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Bài viết: 6826
Ngày tham gia: Chủ nhật Tháng 4 17, 2011 12:18 am

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