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I. Introduction
II. Lack of glucose disturbs the nervous system
1. Theory
2. Glucose metabolism
3. Proteins in the body
II. Practical Experiences of QiQongTherapy/Complementary Medicine
1. Two kinds of glucose
2. Treating diabetes means taking Yang glucose (brown sugar) and not avoiding sugars

The human body acts like a production plant, whose machines are our 5 organs and 6 viscera. Two ingredients are required simultaneously for the daily operation of the factory.
a. Gasoline or electricity to run the machines
b. Raw material for conversion into finished products

For the body
a. Glucose is the fuel for the functioning of the nervous system, organs and viscera.
b. Food and beverages are to be transformed into cells, tissues (blood-fat- -chair-tendon-nail-nerves-bone marrow) and food for all cells.

It is important to have simultaneously these 2 ingredients before each meal, because after the meal, these ingredients will all be used.

Without glucose, the food will not be digested. Without food, glucose will disturb the functioning of the nervous system.

II. Lack of glucose disturbs the nervous system
1. Theory
Medicine is the art of healing, not of doing business. By inadvertently banning sugar, medical practice has encouraged the proliferation of the availability of multitude of drugs to treat illnesses arising from hypoglycemia. For example, in a factory that receives only the raw material, but not enough fuel to run at full capacity, the factory workers try every means and trick they can to keep the factory running. Currently by all means, doctors are treating sick bodies due to a permanent lack of glucose, but by standard of practice, sugar is forbidden.

Statistics have shown that, worldwide, deaths from diabetes are increasing over time.
Glucose is required for the functioning of the central (brain - spinal cord) and peripheral (the rest of the nervous system) nervous systems. The inter-relationship between these 2 systems allows the proper functioning of the whole body (transformation of food into nutrients, muscle contraction, sensory tactile sensitivity and reflexes).

The peripheral nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves (vision-smell-taste-hearing-flavour) and 31 pairs of spinal nerves (reflex arches).

Peripheral nervous system function. Following an excitation (pressure-heat-cold) the sensory signal reaches the spinal cord and the brain through the posterior root of the spinal nerve. The somatic motor response exits the brain through the anterior root of the spinal nerve to inform the striated muscles to contract or the organs and viscera to work. The smooth muscles of the salivary glands, bronchi, bladder, liver...are not under the control of the reflex arc.

The body needs 180 g of glucose per day, of which 36 g for the heart and 144 g for the nervous system.

The ACC (American Association of Cardiology) suggests the daily requirement of glucose: Men 9 teaspoons. Women 6 teaspoons, equivalent to 36 g of glucose per day for the heart.

Ex: To grind 5 kg of rice into flour, 5 litres of petrol or 5 kwatt of electricity would be needed. This is why the pre-meal blood sugar level must be 100-140 mg/dL to allow the stomach to digest the food into nutrients that pass to the intestines to be then transformed into blood, fat, sugar, minerals... After a meal, blood glucose levels could normally rise to 140-180 mg/dL. Lack of glucose leads to indigestion (undigested food remains in the stomach). Sugars such as lactose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, saccharose...from rice, fruit juices...are non-functional because they do not increase heat and heartbeat. It is the blood sugar from these sugars that raises the blood sugar level causing diabetes.

By drinking glucose dissolved in water, glucose goes directly to the brain to feed the entire nervous system. Glucose from cooked food stays in the stomach, raises blood glucose levels, but does not immediately feed the brain. Any excess sugar would be kept in reserve as liver glycogen, maximum 100 g, the rest of the sugars would be transformed into reserve fat.

2. Glucose metabolism
a. Food: source of carbohydrates
According to Western medicine, glucose is the main source of fuel and energy for cells, the nervous system, the placenta...In cells, glucose is transformed into carbon dioxide CO2, water H2O, and energy in the form of ATP molecules (Adenosine Tri Phosphate). Any excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver, muscles and bones.

If the glycemia drops, in case of a strict diet or during sleep, the glycogen in the liver would be converted into glucose to be released into the bloodstream. If there is no glycogen left, glucose would be extracted from fats, to maintain the functioning of the heart and the brain, thus avoiding memory loss, muscular tendon pain, epileptic seizures.

b. Carbohydrates: source of reserve protein
If the diet does not provide enough carbohydrates, liver glycogen will release glucose for the body's needs. When there is no glycogen left, sugar and protein would be taken from the bones, muscles...causing weight loss, slimming, lacking glucose, malnourished cells would become cancerous. Gluconeogenesis is the process by which glucose is synthesized from amino acids resulting from the hydrolysis of proteins, especially from muscles. Without glucose and protein, the body cannot produce antibodies, which are glycoproteins, including IgG, IgM necessary for the immune system.

c. Carbohydrates prevent ketosis
Without carbohydrates, fat will be broken down into glucose for the body's needs. A fat degradation product is the ketone body, the main representative of which is acetone. At this stage, the breathing of the person will release the smell of acetone, moreover the blood becomes acid, thus supporting the development of cancers. This case is mainly found in people who follow the ketogenic diet.

d. Food and carbohydrates
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. According to RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), for children and adults: 130 g of carbohydrates and a minimum of 144 g of glucose just for the nervous system.
AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) is the intake of a given macronutrient that is associated with a minimum risk of chronic disease while ensuring adequate intakes of essential dietary nutrients. Protein 10-35%, fat 20-35%, carbohydrate 45-65% i.e,. for a dietary intake of 1600 kcal per day, one would have 180-260 g of carbohydrates.

The carbohydrate or ketogenic diet provides sugar. But the ketogenic diet acidifies the blood by the appearance of acetone.

Nutrition experts are trying to say that carbohydrates cause obesity.

Macronutrient diets provide the essential nutrients and allow weight variations to be adjusted according to calorie intake.

Yang glucose, dissolved in water, directly nourishes the nervous system allowing the digestion of carbohydrates in nourishing blood. Without Yang glucose, the carbohydrates will be transformed into fat, and not into blood, leading to obesity.

e. Requirements in fibre
Lack of carbohydrates means lack of fibre. The natural components of fibre are essential to prevent infections and chronic diseases. It is the phytochemical compounds in fibres that give fibres their colours and odours, to stimulate the immune system, delay the development of cancers and protect the integrity of the genetic material, DNA. The daily amount of fibre is 38 g for men and 25 g for women. Foods rich in fibre are also rich in carbohydrates. A diet rich in fibre minimizes coronary heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, hemorrhoids, cancer of the large intestine and rectum, esophageal reflux, blood cholesterol Fibre provides food for useful bacteria in the intestinal flora.

Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and peas.

3. Proteins in the body
Like carbohydrates and lipids, proteins are essential ingredients. The body contains a multitude of different proteins with specific activities. Proteins are synthetised by the assembling of different amino acids. Amino acids have a carboxylic acid function (COOH) and an amine function (NH2). Different assemblages of the 20 essential amino acids give a multitude of different proteins.

a. Some proteins are enzymes
Enzymes are used to trigger (catalyse) chemical and biochemical reactions or to accelerate reaction sequences, e.g. the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver, etc.

b. Some proteins are hormones
Hormones are messengers, carried by the blood, to provide the information necessary for other body systems to function, e.g. insulin and glucagon are hormones produced by the spleen-pancreas to adjust glycemia.

c. Some proteins form structures
Collagen is a protein forming the structures of teeth, bones, skin...Other proteins are involved in the production of antibodies, which are glycoproteins, of the immune system.

d. Some proteins maintain water balance
Proteins capture water molecules and keep water in the blood, water in the cells, water in the instertitial spaces (spaces between cells). If there is a lack of proteins, the water will diffuse from the cells to the outside causing oedema.

e. Some proteins are transporters
Certain proteins located in the cell membrane allow the active transport of substances from the cell to the outside and vice versa. Other proteins transport nutrients from one region to another in the body, e.g. haemoglobin in red blood cells transports oxygen into the cells.

f. Certain proteins ensure the acid-base balance
Proteins act as a buffer, at acidic pH, negative polarity proteins take up positive hydrogen ions (H+), which will be re-bound if the medium becomes alkaline The morphology of the proteins would be altered if the medium is too acidic or too alkaline. In these situations, the haemoglobin of the red blood cells would no longer be able to transport oxygen into the cells.

g. Proteins: reserve energy source
In the case of severe glucose and carbohydrate deficiency, the body has to take proteins from the muscles, hydrolyze them into amino acids to produce glucose, this is called gluconeogenesis.

III. Practical Experiences of QiQongTherapy/Complementary Medicine
1. Two kinds of glucose
a. Yang glucose deficiency for the heart and nervous system
Lack of Yang glucose causes dizziness, vertigo, sweating, 5 senses disorders, blurred vision, cold limbs, trembling limbs, convulsions, epilepsy...
Take 4 teaspoons of Yang glucose (brown sugar) in a little water will clear all these signs.

Prolonged lack of glucose leads to chronic disorders such as dizziness, indigestion, cardiac fatigue, variation in blood pressure...The blood pressure monitor always gives a low pulse rate of 60-65 bpm, the constant low blood sugar of 3.9-5.9 mmol/L, the low LO temperature on the fingers and 32-35oC on the palms of the hands, these measured values confirm the lack of Yang glucose.

b. Excess Yin sugar is synonymous with diabetes
Due to the lack of Yang sugar, the stomach cannot digest food immediately, including the sugars contained in these foods (rice-starch-fruit-vegetables), so the food must stay longer in the stomach . Glucose obtained late, no longer has the Yang nature, i.e. to raise body heat and heartbeat, to feed the heart, the nervous system... is called Yin sugar. Yin sugar is non-functional, and only raises the blood sugar level, identified as diabetes by western medicine. Measurements show a low heartbeat, low body temperature in the fingers and hands, cold to the body, but high blood sugar levels...confirm the excess Yin sugar. It is the long stay in the stomach that lets the sugar from the food flow to the intestines, then these sugars pass into the bloodstream and cause the glycemia to rise.

Lack of Yang glucose impairs the function of the heart, nervous system, organs and viscera (liver-heart-stomach-lungs-kidneys). Food is not transformed into blood and energy, but into fat leading to obesity. Malnourished cells will become cancerous.

Western medicine has linked arteriosclerosis of the coronary vessels and heart attacks to high blood sugar levels. Anti-diabetic drugs, by lowering blood sugar levels, cause indigestion, lower the heartbeat, lower the blood flow to the heart, lower the body heat thus giving the body cold, thus promoting the formation of blood clots. Anti-hypertensives, by lowering the force of blood propulsion, also promote the formation of clots. Avoiding anti-diabetic drugs helps to avoid the disorders resulting from hypoglycemia.

2. Treating diabetes means taking Yang glucose (brown sugar) and not avoiding sugars
The lack of Yang glucose does not allow the nervous system to initiate digestion. The stomach is like a garbage can containing undigested food. The intake of anti-diabetic drugs will further disrupt blood sugar, blood pressure, digestion and the entire nervous system.

Diabetes phobia induces emotional fragility, lowers the immune system, making the person docile to any form of medication, including lifelong medication.

The more Yang glucose is taken, the lower the glycemia will be, without any medication.

Taking 4 teaspoons of glucose after a meal will help the stomach to digest food for forming blood and energy.

Take 4 teaspoons of glucose before exercising slowly: "Roll over" to distribute glucose evenly throughout the body including the brain, to regenerate nerve cells that are weakened by a prolonged lack of Yang glucose.

When the pulse rate rises to 70-80 bpm, and the finger temperature reaches 36oC, one could then follow the recommendations of the American Heart Association: 9 teaspoons of glucose per day for a man, and 6 teaspoons per day for a woman, divided in 3 intakes.

Before going to sleep at night, it is desirable to have a blood glucose level of 140-150 mg/dL so that digestion can continue to transform any residual energy into blood. T he next morning, a blood glucose level of 100-110 mg/dL would be perfect.

A blood glucose level of <120 mg/dL at bedtime will not result in a deep and restful sleep, because the next day the glycemia would only be 70-80 mg/dL.

People with excess Yin sugar have a low blood sugar level of 100 mg/dL at bedtime, but the next morning the blood sugar level would be 180 mg/dL. This is the disturbance of glycemia following the use of anti-diabetic drugs. By convention of medical practice, the permanent maintenance of medication is essential.
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