Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Chủ nhật Tháng 5 10, 2020 12:58 pm

A. Law of the 5 Elements 2
1. Generation cycle 3
2. Cycle of domination 3
3. Cycle of revolt 4
4. Organs and viscera 4
5. Food for the 5 Elements 5
6. Characteristics of food and beverages 5
B. Effect of lack of glucose 5
1. Insufficiency of Earth 6
2. Insufficiency of Metal 6
3. Insufficiency of Water 7
4. Insufficiency of Wood 7
5. Insufficiency of Fire 7
C. Self-regulation of the cycles of generation and domination 7
D. Identification of cases 8
1. Heat-Cold 8
2. Excess - Deficiency 8
3. Blood sugar levels 9
4. The pH 9
E. Examples of treatment according to the Law of the 5 Elements 10


We will see how the lack of sugar will dismantle the entire network of energy transformations of the 5 Elements, and from there, would lead to cancer of the organs and viscera. The law of the 5 Elements makes it possible to detect, identify and treat diseases, according to the 4 fundamental criteria: Excess-Insufficiency-Heat-Cold.

QiQongTherapy, a branch of Complementary Medicine, will objectively assess the various states with numbers, using the tensiometer, the glucometer, the laser thermometer, the pH. The following few notions are essential to understand the mechanism of action of the concept of the 5 Elements.

A. Law of the 5 Elements
It is mainly a concept in cosmology, then used as a model of reasoning in traditional Chinese medicine. Each Element has several representation models associated with it. The following table illustrates only the representations, related to our diabetes course, associated with each Element.

Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Seasons Spring Summer End-summer Autumn Winter
Phases Birth Growth Maturity Decline Death
Colors Green Red Yellow White Black
Odors Putrefaction Scorched Perfume Nauseous Urine
Tastes Acid Bitter Sweet Spicy Salt
Organs Liver Heart-Percardium Spleen Lungs Kidneys
Visceras Gall bladder Small intestine-Three Heaters Stomach Colon Bladder
Energy Wind Heat Stagnation Drought Cold

The inter-relationships and functional balance of the 5 Elements are ensured by 3 cycles.

On the left: law of 5 Éléments
On the right: organs et viscera in each Element

1. Generation cycle

Generation cycle, or even Mother-Child cycle, is represented by the outer circle.

Fire generates, or feeds the Earth. After a fire, all the ashes settle and return to Earth.

The Earth is the Mother of Metal. It is in the depth of the Earth that minerals would be formed.

The Metal, by melting, gives Water.

Water, allows the growth of vegetation, thus giving Wood.

Wood burning gives Fire.

2. Cycle of domination
See the star-shaped arrows inside the circle.

Fire dominates Metal by melting it.

Metal dominates the Wood by cutting it.

Wood dominates the Earth by rooting it down.

The Earth dominates the water by damming it.

Water dominates the Fire by extinguishing it.

3. Cycle of revolt
is a rare case and only occurs in extreme situations. According to the cycle of revolt, Fire, instead of being extinguished by Water, will burn and dry the Water. In the diagram above, it would be the opposite arrow pointing from Fire to Water.

4. Organs and viscera
The Organs are solid structures and contain more blood, store energy and blood, they are of Yin nature. In the diagram, they are located inside the circle representing the generating cycle.

Fire: Organ: heart-master of the heart, the latter is also called the heart-constrictor, the pericardium /Viscera: small intestine, three heaters

Earth: Organ: spleen-pancreas/ Viscera: stomach

Metal: Organ: lungs/ Viscera: large intestine

Water: Organ: kidneys/Viscera: bladder

Wood: Organ: liver/ Viscera: gall bladder

The viscera are hollow structures, containing little blood, but preside over the energetic transformations, they are of Yang nature. In the diagram, they are located outside the generating circle.

Within the same Element, the organ and viscera form a Yin-Yang couple, also seen as a wife and husband couple.

5. Food for the 5 Elements
By analogy, we could imagine that the 5 Elements are 5 factories in us. Each plant needs a different fuel to operate, the fuels for the 5 Elements are the 5 flavors. If one of the flavours is missing, the corresponding factory will operate at a slower pace and finally stop production. This will allow us to know how cancers will develop.

It is therefore important that the diet can include all 5 flavours.

Elements Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
Flavours Bitter Sweet Spicy Salt Acid

6. Characteristics of food and beverages
Each food or drink has 3 faculties: Nature- Energy-Flavour

Nature: Heat or Cold

Energy: Raise Energy- Lower Energy- Retain Energy inside - Expel Energy outside

Flavour: Bitter-Sweet- Spicy-Salty-Acid

NB. There are food energy that do not raise, lower, hold or expel, they are the Wind, Stagnation energies. After eating a type of food, the Wind immediately triggers allergies and itching.

The Wind associated with Heat, gives itching if exposed to heat.

The Wind associated with Cold, gives itching if exposed to the cold.

The combination of Wind Stagnation energies with Heat causes allergies or pain in the presence of heat.

The combination of Wind Stagnation energies with Cold gives allergies or pain in the presence of cold.

To treat these cases, the Heat is compensated by the Cold and vice versa.

B. Effect of lack of glucose
Glucose is one of the four ingredients essential for cell survival and function. All the energy sources, essential for the body, come from the diet, so the Earth Element (spleen-pancreas/stomach) is concerned first.

Glucose provides heat and energy to the stomach to "cook", knead food, transform it into blood and energy for the body's needs. Without glucose, food will be transformed only into fat, to be stored in the liver (glycogen-fat), in the abdomen, in the thighs, in the buttocks... (obesity), in the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis, stroke), leading to general cellular malnutrition. In addition, there would still be all the harmful consequences of low blood sugar!

The lack of glucose will put the 5 Elements in Deficiency, starting with the Earth.

1. Insufficiency of Earth
The stomach (viscera), by not fulfilling its function, will give indigestion, bloating... The fermentation of undigested food in the stomach leads to ulcer then to stomach cancer and eventually to cancer of the oesophagus because of gastroesophageal reflux.

Example: The stomach is like a machine that needs 5 litres of gasoline to grind 5 kg of rice into flour. It has only 2 litres of gasoline, which made it possible to grind 2 kg of rice into flour. There will be 3 kg of unmilled rice left in the stomach. This explains the reason why foods that remain undigested in the stomach, due to a lack of glucose, will ferment, giving ulcers and cancer to the stomach.

The spleen-pancreas (organ) can no longer fulfill its function of conducting energy, blood, food, medication... to the whole body, nor produce internal insulin, to regulate blood sugar. There would be weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss. (the flesh is the reflection of the Earth). The Spleen-Pancreas will become cancerous.

The measurements on the left arm would be:
Systolic:100 mmHg, Diastolic:60 mmHg, Pulsation:60 bpm, these values mean that the stomach lacks energy, the spleen-pancreas lacks blood, the state is Cold, giving the follwing signs:

Swelling and heaviness of the abdomen, cold to the limbs, diarrhea after meals, descent of the organs or viscera (ptosis), yellow colour on the skin and face (the weakened earth will weaken his Child: Metal. As the Metal expresses itself to the skin, weakened, the Metal will take the yellow color of the Earth).

2. Insufficiency of Metal
The large intestine (viscera) lacks energy, loses motility, contractions, making defecation difficult and requiring the use of suppositories as primers. This is not real constipation, the stools are not hard and dry, but are pasty. It is the flaccid paralysis of
the large intestine, leading to cancer.

The weakened lungs (organ) give breathing difficulties (oppression, asthma), dermatological problems, decay of the hairs (the lungs are expressed to the skin). Since the lungs are weakened, they cannot help the large intestine to adequately ensure defecation (the breath of the lungs will help to push the stool out). The gradual decrease in breath will lead to cancer.

3. Insufficiency of Water
The bladder (viscera) can no longer contain urine, causing frequent urination during the day or night.

The kidneys (organ) can no longer filter, will cause oedema in the legs, which will later lead to heart failure (the return of venous blood decreases, the heart must put more effort into pumping blood). Poor renal filtration increases the presence of toxins in the body. In the long term, there would be tinnitus (kidneys express themselves in the ears) and kidney cancer.

4. Insufficiency of Wood
The gall bladder (viscera) is inactive due to a lack of bile.

The liver (organ) no longer produces bile, no longer purifies the blood of toxins, no longer provides blood to the heart. There would be weakness, poor digestion and degradation of the nails (the liver controls the tendons, nerves, nails), poor vision (the liver is externalized to the eyes). The liver will be sclerosed and become cancerous.

5. Insufficiency of Fire
The small intestine (viscera) no longer extracts the nutrients, already lacking from the stomach, to pour them into the blood stream.

The Three Heaters (viscera) no longer ensure proper coordination of energy and blood movements in the whole body.

The heart and master of the heart, the latter is also called the constrictor of the heart, or pericardium constitute a whole (organ), in insufficiency will give bad and lack of blood supply to the whole body, giving different signs according to the affected areas: oedemas, cysts in the brain, facial paralysis, joint and muscle pain, neuralgia, numbness of the limbs.....When the heart stops having glucose, it resigns, leading us to an eternal rest (there is no time to notice heart cancer)!

Cancer is thus transmitted according to the cycle of birth, from mother to child, from one Element to another. In our example, cancer will spread from Earth to Metal, Water, Wood and then Fire.

C. Self-regulation of the cycles of generation and domination
If the Earth Element is in Excess (indigestion - heat), it will transmit heat to the Metal Element drying the lungs. Being in Excess, the Earth does not accept the energy of Fire making Fire in Excess. Fire does not accept the energy of Wood, making the Wood in Excess, thus putting 3 consecutive Elements in Excess: Wood-Fire-Earth

Then Wood, through the cycle of domination will dominate the Earth, making it insufficient, weakened, the Earth will accept the energy of Fire. Fire, by feeding the Earth, will once again accept the energy of Wood. The Wood will cease to dominate the Earth and the cycle of generation returns to normal. Wood feeds Fire, Fire feeds Earth, Earth feeds Metal, Metal feeds Wood.

D. Identification of cases
1. Heat-Cold
Complementary Medicine uses the laser thermometer to identify the health status, a state of Cold or a state of Heat.

Cold: temperature below 36oC
Heat: temperature above 37oC

In addition, by measuring the tip of the little finger on the left, the thermometer indicates whether there is enough glucose and heat in the heart.

2. Excess - Deficiency
The tensiometer will provide the 3 digit numbers interpreted as follows:
Systolic pressure represents Energy
Diastolic pressure represents Blood
Pulsation represents Heat-Cold, pulsation is related to blood sugar

If the measured systolic and diastolic values are higher than the age- referenced values, there would be Excess, and if lower, there would be Insufficiency.

The higher pulsation than that of the age referenced group indicates a state of Heat, if lower, a state of Cold.

The measurements on the left arm provide information on stomach energy and digestion work (Earth Element).

The measurements on the right arm provide information about the liver and blood, in terms of volume (Wood Element).

The following table shows the measurements taken on the left arm, concerning the stomach and the spleen-pancreas.

Systolic(mmHg) Diastolic(mmHg) Pulsation (bpm)
1- Excess- Heat 140 85 85
2- Excess- Cold 140 85 65
Ref: 41- 59 years 120-130 70-80 70-75
3- Insufficiency-Cold 110 65 65
4- Insufficiency-Heat 110 65 85

Case 1- the stomach and spleen are Excess with Heat state
Case 2- the stomach and spleen are in Excess with cold state
Case 3- the stomach and spleen are in Insufficient with cold state
Case 4- the stomach and spleen are in Deficiency with Heat state

Effects of Excess on the 5 Elements.
Diabetes is a case of Excess sugar on Earth (stomach-spleen). Too much sugar will give too much heat to the stomach, which will burn all the incoming food, without being able to transform the food into energy and blood. That is why we are always hungry, often eating without being able to get fat. The Heat of the Earth is transmitted to the Metal, drying the lungs always giving thirst, forcing the person to drink a lot and urinate all the time, putting the kidneys in Insufficiency.

Water does not nourish the Wood well, the liver does not provide enough blood to the heart. Insufficient Fire will give Insufficiency to the Earth (lack of appetite, indigestion).

If the Mother is in Excess, we must disperse the Child.

To treat the above case, it is necessary to disperse the Metal which is the Child of the Earth, therefore evacuate many stools and urine outside. This reduces the Excess to the Earth.

3. Blood sugar levels
The glucometer allows to obtain the blood sugar level in general, and the blood sugar level in painful or insensitive areas.

4. The pH
The pH paper, by the revealed color, indicates an acid or alkaline pH. An acidic environment predisposes the development of cancers.

E. Examples of treatment according to the Law of the 5 Elements
When one (1) Element is in Excess, one must disperse its Child. E.g.: if the Earth is in Excess, disperse its Child: Metal.

When one (1) Element is Insufficient, it is necessary to tone up its Mother. E.g.: if the Earth is in Insufficiency, one must tone up its Mother: Fire.

When 3 consecutive elements are in Excess, the last one must be scattered in line. E.g.: Wood – Fire- - Earth in Excess, disperse the Earth. Insufficient Earth will take the Excess of Fire, insufficient Fire will take the Excess of Wood. The 3 Elements will become normal.

When 3 consecutive Elements are Insufficient, the Middle Element must be toned. E.g.: Wood-Fire-Earth are Insufficient, toning the Fire. Fire becomes strong will feed the Earth, and no longer exhausts its Mother: Wood, which will strengthen by itself, because it no longer needs to feed its Child Fire, which becomes strong after being toned first.

The ideal is to tone up the 2 consecutive Elements at the same time: Fire-Earth, in the example above, by drinking coffee with sugar. The bitter taste of coffee tones the Fire, the sweet taste will tone the Earth.
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