Diabetes: Identification and Treatment by QiQongTherapy, a b

Diabetes: Identification and Treatment by QiQongTherapy, a b

Gửi bàigửi bởi admin » Thứ 7 Tháng 4 27, 2019 6:56 pm


Diabetes: Identification and Treatment by QiQongTherapy, a branch of oriental medicine, using a blood pressure monitor
(Part 1) 2
A. The 3 Excess 2
1. Step 1. Excess of thirst 2
2. Step 2. Excess of bulimia 2
3. Step 3. Excess of urination and oedema of the legs 3
B. Identification of each step by using the blood pressure monitor and the laser thermometer 3
1. Step 1- Excessive thirst, heat in the heart 3
2. Step 2 - Excessive bulimia, heat in the stomach 4
3. Step 3- Excessive urination, oedema of the legs, cold kidneys 4
C Anecdotes 4
Cases of high glycaemia, without being diabetes 4
Story of Master Đỗ’s treatment 5
Case series : low glycaemia 6
Case diagnosed as cancer of the pancreas 6

Diabetes: Identification and Treatment by QiQongTherapy, a branch of oriental medicine, using a blood pressure monitor (Part 1)
The 3 Excess
According to QiQongTherapy, a high blood sugar level does not necessary mean diabetes. Hyperglycemia or diabetes is confirmed when the signs of the 3 Excess simultaneously occur. Diabetes settles in 3 steps: step 1: excessive thirst; step 2: excessive bulimia; step 3: excessive urination with oedema of lower limbs.

Step 1. Excess of thirst
Excess of thirst means that the person always needs to drink without satiated, even more than 6 liters per day. According to the overcoming interaction cycle of the 5 Elements, The Fire (heart) will attack the element Metal (lungs). The excess heat from the heart will dry the lungs, trachea, and mouth, thus leading to the sensation of thirst.

Treatment: At this stage, it is necessary to dissipate the heat of the heart, i.e., by consuming the heart (embryo) of lotus, the seeds of lotus, the leaves of lotus; everything would be back to normal and there would be no further imbalance.

The lotus seeds also strengthen the stomach and the spleen-pancreas. The bitter melon also dissipates the heat of the heart, but must be used with caution and follow-up, because the bitter melon, not only lowers the heat, but can annihilate the heat of the heart. The bitter melon is equivalent to a natural insulin. Eat the water melon, or drink the water melon’s crust boiled in water also dissipates the heat. The powder of dried crust of water melon can also dissipate the heat, lowers the blood pressure and blood sugar. At this step, the lungs are wounded, the disease is in the upper part of the body.

Step 2. Excess of bulimia
Excessive bulimia occurs when we are still eating, and a lot, wihout increasing weight. According to the law of the 5 Elements, the element Fire (heart) generates the element Earth (stomach) The stomach is overheated by the excess of heat from the heart, so that all the incoming food is burned, without being transformed into blood and nutritional liquid. As the spleen-pancreas role is to produce the blood and circulate the liquids, this function will be seriously injured by the lack of water.

Treatment: At this stage, it is necessary to dissipate the heat of the heart, refresh and strenghten the stomach, using the same ingredients as described in step 1.

At this step, the stomach, the spleen-pancreas, and the liver are wounded, the disease is staged in the middle part of the body.

Step 3. Excess of urination and oedema of the legs
Excessive urination with oedema in the lower limbs indicates renal insufficiency which would require sooner or later, a glomerular filtration. The excess of sugar (non-metabolised monosacharides) from the fruits, the milk, the flour..., remains in the circulating blood, and raises the glyceamia (sugar blood level), and will be deposited, as starch, in the kidneys, hence blocks the renal filtration leading to the renal insufficiency. Theee kinds of sugar do not provide neither heat, nor energy necessary for the contraction of the kidneys.

Treatment: It is important to give back to the kidneys the contraction movements. The person will lay on the stomach, the other person will impose a pressure on the kidneys by alternatively pushing and releasing on the domed kidneys in the lumbar aera. Being turgid, the domed kidneys are well visible. The person has to take, the cane sugar (polysaccharid), this sugar will provide the heat and the energy for the contractions of the kidneys. Any one can practice, by him or herself, the following exercice: lay on the back, pull, alternatively with maximun strength, the left and the right knees toward the chest to curve the lombar aera, so the kidneys will receive a pressure to wash out the starch deposit. The starch is also used as an excipient in the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs. The renal or glomerular filtration just washes the kidneys, but does not impose any contraction of the kidneys. The starch will remain in the kidneys, and a fraction of creatinine will exist in the circulating blood. That is why a regular renal filtration is needed.

At this step, the kidneys, the bladder, and the intestines are affected, the disease is situated in the lower part of the body.

In this context, the QiQongTherapy treats one, or any concerned step, to re-establish the glucose equilibrum. The insulin treats just the step 2, spleen-pancreas. The step 1 or excessive thirst, and the heat in the heart will remain, even if the sugar blood level is lowered.

Identification of each step by using the blood pressure monitor and the laser thermometer
Step 1- Excessive thirst, heat in the heart
According to the generate interaction of the 5 Elements, the Wood (liver) generates the Fire (heart), so we take the pressure of the liver on the right arm. As there is excess of heat, the systolic pressure and the pulsation will be high. The diastolic pressure is not affected. The references for a person aged 60 years and over are :
systolic :130-140 mmHg, diastolic: 80-90 mmHg, pulsation : 70-80.

The values of systolic : 160 mmHg, diastolic :80-90 mmHg, pulsation: 110-120 measured at the right arm indicate that this person is suffering from step 1. The laser thermometer will indicate a temperature of 37 oC at the left auricular (fifth finger).

Step 2 - Excessive bulimia, heat in the stomach
Measuring the blood pressure at the left arm gives information about the stomach. The heat at the stomach will raise the systolic pressure and the pulsation. The diastolic pressure informs about the quantity of the food in the stomach.

Left arm, systolic: 160 mmHg; diastolic: 100 mmHg, pulsation: 110-120
Right arm, systolic: 160 mmHg; diastolic: 65 mmHg; pulsation: 90-100

The pressure at the right arm informs about the liver. The low diastolic pressure of 65 mmHg indicates that there is no blood in the liver after this meal. The food is burned by the heat, and cannot be transformed into blood.

The mesured pressures at both arms show that this person, over 60 years old, is suffering from the step 2.

Step 3- Excessive urination, oedema of the legs, cold kidneys
Measuring the pressures at both legs, informs about the kidneys. The pressures at the legs are always higher than the pressures at the arms. The pulsation is slow because of the Cold at the kidneys. The incoming arterial blood and the outgoing venous blood in the legs are congested by the oedemia, this situation will raise more the blood pressure in the legs.

Measured values in the legs for a person aged 60 years old and over:
systolic 160-170 mmHg; diastolic 120-130 mmHg, pulsation 65, indicate that this person is suffering from the step 3. During a treatment, if the diastolic pressure decreases, this shows a good healing. The odour of urine or acetone can emanate from a person who suffers from a serious kidney insufficiency.

C Anecdotes
Cases of high glycaemia, without being diabetes
Someone in the room has systolic pressure and pulsation slightly higher for his age, has 37 oC at the the left fifth finger, and a glycaemia of 225 mg/dL (12mmol/L), which varies during the day. Since this person does not present simultaneously the signs of the 3 Excess, thus he is not diabetic, but just has the heat in the heart (step 1). The heat in the heart raises the systolic and the pulsation, while the disastolic remains normal.

Doctor HH from Viet Nam, a cardiac surgeon and expert consultant in nutrition for healing diabetes without drugs, follows the reference for diabetes adopted in the year 1979, i.e., glycaemia before meals: 100 mmg/dL-140mmg/dL (6.0-8.0 mmol/L), stipulates that after the meal, the glycaemia in the brain must raise to 200-250 mmg/dL, since the brain is the supreme commanding officer of all the activities in the body. In case of short of sugar in the blood, the Alpha cells of the pancreas will secrete glucagon, converting glycogen into sugar. In case of too much sugar, the Bêta cells of the pancreas will secrete the insulin to lower the sugar in the circulating blood. Even a glycaemia of 250 mmg/dL, it will not mean absolutely diabetes. Dr. HH has successfully accomplished 2000 cardiac surgeries, and have upgraded his knowledge at Harvard University in USA. North America and Asia adopt a low reference threshold value to determine the disease of diabetes. The actual references in Viet Nam are so low (3.5 mmol/L-4.5mmol/L), that almost people become diabetics and may follow inappropriate medication. Using insulin on a systematic and regular basis, will lead to renal insufficiency step 4. According to Dr. HH, researsh groups sponsored by pharmaceutical companies adopt a low threshold value for diabetes (126 mmg/dL), independent researsh groups follow the references adopted in year 1979 :

Before meal : 100-140 mmg/dL(6.0-8.0mmol/L)
After meal : 140-220 mmg/dL(8.0-12.0mmol/L)

The glycaemia of Master Đỗ raises at 300 mmg/dL (16mmol/L) and decreases upon activities, and this since 30 years ago. Master Đỗ is not diabetic, because he does not show the signs of 3 Excess, he can teach all day long without drinking any water.

Story of Master Đỗ’s treatment
The priest K knows a residency in Ottawa with a history of lung cancer, terminal phase. The priest suggested the person to see Master Đỗ. The priest drove Master Đỗ from Montreal to Ottawa, the Master won’t charge any consultation fee, the family has nothing to loose. The traffic delayed the arrival at Ottawa. Upon our arrival in the hospital, members of the family showed the despair by the sign of the hand, the person was in an isolated room. After putting a mask and a blouse, I came in the room which was quite hot. The person has 42 oC as temperature, and 37 mmol/L as glycaemia. The skin and the hair were well dried, sign of affected lungs. I know that the person was at step 1: heat in the heart. I massaged the acupuncture points to dissipate the heat. The temperature decreased from 42 oC to 37 oC, the glycaemia from 37mmol/L to a dozen of mmol/L (exact value forgotten). I asked the person not to always lay on the back and just look at the ceiling, but to change to an inclined position to observe the surroundings, and to sing: one-two-three-four-five-six-seven to salivate. I asked the family to prepare a soup with an old chicken for raising up the energy. More the chicken is old, more the energy is concentrated in the bones. The person’s situation was improved. I asked when the person will leave the hospital, answer was: upon doctor’s decision. I asked the same question to Doctors, answer was: depends on patient’s status. I say now, who is waiting who ? so you must decide the time of hospital discharge! For that, never rest inactive in bed, always make phones call to all of your friends to have fun, to brighten up the mind and to salivate, for a better digestion. A week later, the priest K told me the person was back home. We went to see the person at Ottawa. What a surprise, as there were many people in the house. I was a little bit afraid that the person would have died, and the people were there for condoleances. I asked where wass the person, people told me the person was taking a shower and singing. I asked why are you so many here ? they answer: we are all wating for you to have treatments too !!

Case series : low glycaemia
A nurse, working at San Jose in the north of California USA, seeked help from Master Đỗ for a case of stroke with coma. The Master said that a stroke with rigid paralysis is caused by a breaking of vessels by hypertension. A flabby paralysis is caused by short of sugar in the ciculating blood, with cold hands and feet, in this case drink cane sugar juice. The nurse went to south California to visit her friend. The hospital informed that her friend had a severe short of sugar. She gave the cane sugar juice to her friend, who gradually improved. Sadly, the family decided that her friend to be followed by the hospital. Soon the glycaemia reached 7 mmol/L, the hospital gave injections of insulin, the person returns to the coma.

The wife of Master Đỗ has been followed by western medicine for hypertension and diabetes. As long as she had the treatments, her glycaemia became lower and lower. As time goes, she became weaker and weaker, the diastolic pressure was low as 50-60 mmHg, the pulsation slowed down as 54-60. Finally, she agreed to listen to Master Đỗ, takes the sugar again, she becomes better and functionnal, does not take drugs any more. She has been followed for diabetes, but she has no diabetes, because she does not present, simultaneously, the signs of the 3 Excess.

A student in QiQongTherapy in Montreal reports that her mother has a stent in the heart vessels, because her pulsation is slow. The Master says she will have another stent if the pulsation is still slow, that what happens. The lack of sugar will slow down the pulsation and the body will get cold. The cold blood flows slowly, and stagnates. The stent expands the vessel for a better flowing of the blood. The cane sugar provides the heat and the engergy for a better circulation.

Case diagnosed as cancer of the pancreas
A lady visited Master Đỗ for the cancer of pancreas. During the visit, she had to go to the toilet a dozen times. Master Đỗ gave some pills to her to be taken immediately. The pills are Phụ Tữ Lý Trung Hoàn to dissipate the cold and to heat up the middle part of the body. She feels better and continues to take the pills at home. A week after, she reported a good recovering, went to the toilet twice a day, and returned to normal activity. The pancreas works again, so she has no cancer of pancreas. The cancer of pancreas leads to the abdominal swelling, even the person cannot eat, but has to go to the toilet more than 20 times a day, just with few liquid each time.
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